The first book signing for How The Force Can Fix the World

In Orange County, CA I attended my first of several book signings for How The Force Can Fix The World! I was totally unsure what it would be like or if any one would even be there. I worked all day on a little speech to give once everyone was there and had a drink in hand. Was quite nervous. The time eventually came, and the courtyard of this club we were at was pretty much full. My host and friend, Isaiah, introduced me and with my prepared remarks in hand…the fear vanished. It was really cool. I put the paper away and went off the cuff with what felt right in the moment and it couldn’t have gone better.

An attendee gifted me an encased old-school Star Wars comic, another person dressed up as a Dark Jedi, and between the guests and the multiple servers at the club who wanted copies…I had a line at the signing table that took 90 minutes to get through. I’m still buzzing today about it and just so so grateful. How The Force Can Fix The World is out this coming Tuesday!