Stephen Kent on dealing with Confederate Statues and ugly history - FOX 5 DC

I was part of a conversation this morning on the renaming of Confederate namesakes in the DC area. Part of the nature of TV is you kinda have to offer an "agree" or "disagree" response to most questions, but I wanted to put forward in addition to that one broader observation on the statues coming down nationwide. I worry that my generation, in particular, has given up on procedural politics and incrementalism. You can make a case that "process" has utterly failed on numerous fronts, most recently with policing. That's how you jump from a few years ago a loud public call for bodycams and now it's "defund the police". There's a sense that reform isn't working. So what we're faced with, is if we're finally going to forcibly remove the Confederacy from public pedestals they never deserved in the first place, how do you put that genie back in the bottle? Perhaps I'm overstating the prevalence of that revolutionary-streak in this age cohort, but I do think it can spread in negative ways that aren't being considered.