That time I exited the GOP in USA TODAY and Raw Story covered it

In RAW STORY: The list of long-time conservatives who have left the GOP in response to Donald Trump’s presidency is a long one, ranging from journalists George Will and Max Boot to former congressmen such as David Jolly and Joe Scarborough (who now hosts “Morning Joe” on MSNBC). And that list continues to grow with the announcement that Stephen Kent, a spokesperson for Young Voices (an organization of conservative Millennials), is now an ex-member of the GOP.

Kent, now in his late twenties, is no fan of the Democratic Party either. But being a conservative, he asserts, doesn’t make Trump and McConnell’s behavior during the Kavanaugh confirmation battle any easier to stomach. Writing in USA TODAY he said

“I believed simultaneously that Christine Blasey Ford was a credible accuser, that Kavanaugh was owed a certain presumption of innocence, and that the right thing for the White House to do was withdraw the nomination,” Kent wrote. “The GOP ended up pulling off a purely partisan victory in confirming Kavanaugh, but it came at too high a cost for even a Republican like me to stomach.”

Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Kent noted, was hardly the first time he was appalled by Trump’s presidency.

Stephen Kent